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Frankensteining Frenzy


Rogue Nightingales

I never expected one of my first true forays into tabletop game design to be inspired by a Monster Energy Drink can, but who expects anything in game design really? While many of my other game design projects came from a desire to express some part of me or to help others, Frankensteining Frenzy was born out of nothing but a desire to be a goofball and make silly art. This sentiment is felt all throughout the game's design, if especially in its implicit hope to entice its players to draw out their wildest creations. 

While this game was started as a school project, my co-developer and I still regard it as a project we hope to come back to some day. For now however, these frankensteined together bits of ideas and tomfoolery must remain in their prototype states, until the doctor's lightning bolt of inspiration strikes again and brings the project back to life!

Rogue Nightingales
Frankensteining Frenzy

This project was created for the Game Programming 1 course at American University in collaboration with Ingram Tam. 


Tech Stack

  • Testing done in Tabletop Simulator

  • Artistic Software: Adobe Illustrator 

  • Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Development Time Frame ~ 1 month

Team Size - 2

"Play your cards right to build the best creature."

Frankensteining Frenzy is a tabletop card effects game about collecting and discarding cards to activate effects and build the best creature. Drawing from four different tribes of Beasts, Humanoids, Aliens, and Robots, each monster you build will be uniquely whacky in the strangest of ways, especially as you start to accessorize! Will you have a unicorn headed military tank demon wearing gravity boots? Or perhaps a zomboid mermaid with the torso of a sentient fridge? What does this monstrosity even look like?! I hope you take out a pencil and draw it and find out what kinds of creatures you can create!

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